Interface: Commercial Vehicles - Commercial Vehicle Check

Commercial Vehicles to Commercial Vehicle Check Interface Diagram

Architecture Flow Definitions

electronic lock data  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Notification to roadside (via transponder) of the presence and status of electronic cargo locks.

electronic lock data request  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Request from roadside for data regarding presence and status of electronic cargo locks.

electronic screening request  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Request for identification data to support electronic screening.

on-board safety data  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Safety data measured by on-board sensors. Includes information about the vehicle, vehicle components, cargo, and driver. The query flow is not explicitly shown.

pass/pull-in  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Command to commercial vehicle to pull into or bypass inspection station.

request tag data  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Request for tag information including credit identity, stored value card cash, etc.

safety inspection record  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Record containing results of commercial vehicle safety inspection.

safety inspection request  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Request for safety inspection record.

screening event record  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Results of CVO electronic screening activity.

tag data  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Unique tag ID and related vehicle information.