Operational Concept

An Operational Concept documents each stakeholder’s current and future roles and responsibilities in the operation of the regional ITS systems. The operational concept documents these roles and responsibilities across a range of transportation services.

Data ManagementThe Data Management Operational Concept covers the collection, short-term storage, and eventual archival of regional transportation data. Local data range from the real-time data used to power the traveler information web site, to yearlong accumulations of traffic count data that will eventually be archived. Future data could include an accurate inventory of existing communications infrastructure and other system and operational performance data. The collection of diverse types of data will require coordination with existing and future management procedures and policies.
Emergency ManagementThe Emergency Operations concept is the ability for agencies to work together to respond to major events (emergencies) to restore the flow of traffic as quickly as possible. This entails sharing information between TMCs, local transportation agencies, local emergency responders, Washington state patrol, and may include other TMCs outside of the Washington State.
Freight MobilityWSDOT has implemented CVISN (Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks) to enhance safety for drivers and trucks and to improve the operating efficiencies for both government agencies and motor carriers. The CVISN program provides a framework that allows the motor carrier industry and other parties engaged in CVO safety assurance and regulation to exchange information and conduct business transactions electronically. From the WSDOT Website: "CVISN uses weigh-in-motion scales and transponder readers to electronically screen trucks as they approach a weigh station. The scales, imbedded in the roadway about one half mile ahead of the weigh station, weigh the truck while the transponder reader sends a signal to the computer inside the weigh station. The transponder equipped truck’s weight, size, registration and safety record are verified and within milli-seconds a signal is sent to the transponder mounted on the inside windshield of the vehicle. If the checks are satisfactory a green light is displayed on the transponder and the driver is cleared to bypass the weigh station. If something is in question or prohibited, a red light is displayed on the transponder and the driver must pull into the weigh station for closer scrutiny."
Incident ManagementIncident management is the ability for agencies to work together to respond to incidents to restore the flow of traffic as quickly as possible. This entails sharing information between TMCs, local transportation agencies, local emergency responders, Washington state patrol, and other TMCs outside of the Washington State. Effectivly relaying this information to the traveling public can reduce congestion and reduce the occurance of additional incidents resulting from the initial incident.
Maintenance and Construction ManagementThe Maintenance and Construction operational concept manages the collection of road conditions, dissemination of planned construction and maintenance events, and weather information. Deployed RWIS sensors collect roadway condition data and the WSDOT ARROWS system compiles that data to provide maintenance-decision makers with predicted statewide weather alerts.
Mutimodal CoordinationAs a transit provider, WSDOT works with partners both internally and externally to successfully coordinate the state's various modes of transportation. Washington State Ferry operations include many aspects of ITS transit management, including electronic fare collection, traveler information, passenger load management, electronic tracking, and security. Additionally, as a roads agency, WSDOT also coordinates with local transit agencies for the implementation of Transit Signal Priority and the Puget Sound One Regional Card for All (ORCA) multi-agency smart card system. Internal to WSDOT, WSF coordinates with the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to accept electronic toll transponders for payment at the ferry terminal and smart cards at the tollbooth.
Safety ManagementThis operational concept looks at optimizing conditions on WSDOT roadways to ensure safe transport of people and freight. This includes the deployment of ITS devices used to monitor road conditions to alert TMCs and travelers of potentially dangerous conditions, dispatching WSDOT's Incident Response Teams (IRT) to restore the flow of traffic in the event of incidents and breakdowns, automated enforcement equipment, and future coordination with private sectors such as "Mayday" systems.
Security ManagementSecurity management focuses on Critical Infrastructure Security Monitoring for the identified structures, Hazmat security and tracking, and ferry vessal security such as passenger identification and cargo/baggage screening systems. The main goal of security management is to improve response time to man-made and natural threats.
Toll CollectionThe implementation of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) on the second span of the Tacoma Narrows will be the first ETC system in the state and the first experience with tolling for many residents. The SR 167 HOT Lanes pilot project and the PSRC Value Pricing study are other potential applications of tolling technologies. While these three projects are all located in the Puget Sound region, WSDOT is currently undertaking a statewide tolling study to comprehensively assess the potential for future tolling projects. The results of the study will provide recommendations for technologies and integration among potential toll projects.
Transit ManagementProvides transit management for the region
Transportation Management 
Traveler InformationThe focus of the Traveler Information concept is the dissemination of traveler information collected by the regional TMCs to help travelers make better decisions. WSDOT disseminates traveler inforamation via their Web site, 511, and roadside devices (DMS and HAR) WSDOT coordinates with other state, provincial, and local agencies to disseminate relevant information to the broadest possible audience.