Security Management Roles and Responsibilities

StakeholderRole and Responsibility
Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA)Consultation: CRESA exchanges information with SWR TMC to better coordinate security efforts.
Local Emergency RespondersConsultation: Local emergency responders exchange information with SWR TMC to better coordinate security efforts.
Washington State Emergency ManagementInformation Sharing: The Washington State ETCC interfaces with state, federal and local emergency responders to cooperate on response plans and coordinate security efforts.
Washington State Patrol (WSP)Operations: During heightened Homeland Security alert levels, Troopers increase patrol for identified critical infrastructures.
Information Sharing: WSP currently receives security information and video images from the Washington State Ferries TOC and regional WSDOT TMCs.
WSDOT HeadquartersOperations: The WSDOT headquarters operates and maintains WSDOT equipment used for security management.
Information Sharing: WSDOT Headquarters acts as an interface between various agencies to coordinate security efforts.
WSDOT Southwest Region (SWR)Operations: The WSDOT SWR TMC provides operate Roadside equipment used to monitor identified critical roadway infrastructures such as CCTV cameras, and other traffic monitoring devices. TMCs also have the ability to dispatch Incident Response Team vehicles and Maintenance Vehicles in response to security incidents.
Information sharing: WSDOT SWR TMC receives realtime information from the WSP CAD system and shares information between various govermental agencies such as the Washington State Ferries TOC, Washington ETCC, Federal Authorities, WSP, other govermental TMC's, and local Emergency Responders.