
The Regional ITS Architecture resulted from the consensus input of a diverse set of stakeholders, encompassing traffic, transit, public safety, and many other operating agencies at local, state, and national levels. It includes both public and private sectors and spans the organizations that manage, support, or are impacted by the surface transportation system, with particular focus on agencies that operate transportation systems in the region.

City of CamasThe City of Camas is a participant on the Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Steering Committee.
City of VancouverThe City of Vancouver is the largest city in the VAST region and the county seat of Clark County; the City is also a participant on the TSMO Steering Committee.
Clark CountyClark County Public Works in the Vancouver Metropolitan area is divided into five divisions, including Transportation and Development
Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA)CRESA is a regional public safety agency that provides 9-1-1 dispatch, technology services, emergency management and ambulance services; service area includes all 7 cities in Clark County as well as the unincorporated areas of the County.
CTRANC-TRAN is the primary public transportation provider in Clark County, with 19 local routes in Clark County, 7 express commuter routes to downtown Portland, 4 Limited routes with service to MAX light-rail and a reservations-based paratransit service.
CVISN ProgramCommercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networking program.
Federal AgenciesIncludes federal security and emergency response agencies.
Local Emergency RespondersIncludes local public emergency responders such as the local police, fire, ambulance, etc.
Local MediaLocal News, radio stations, etc.
Local Transit AgenciesIncludes the Human Services Council (HSC) of Southwest Washington, Klickit County Senior Services, Skamania County Senior Services and C-TRAN's C-VAN accessible service.
Local Transportation AgenciesLocal Transportation and/or Public Works agencies within the Vancouver area.
Motor CarriersCommercial Vehicle operators.
ODOT Region 1ODOT Region 1 Transportation Management and Operations Center (TMOC) is located in downtown Portland, Oregon and works closely with WSDOT to manage the bi-state travelers and transporataion operations for the Portland/Vancouver Metropolitian area. Region 1 also operates and maintains the drawbridge between Washington and Oregon.
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)Oregon Department of Transportation Headquarters is located in Salem, Oregon and provides traveler infomration services through and 511.
Other 3rd party traffic infomration providersIncludes other 3rd party traffic data providers (such as INRIX) that provides traffic flow data for local roadways
Port of VancouverThe Port of Vancouver was established in 1912 and has a great interest in creating and maintaining an efficient transportation network
Portland State UniversityPortland State University (PSU) is a public university located in downtown Portland, Oregon. PSU operates and maintains the data archiving (PORTAL) for multiple public agencies in the Portland Metropolitian area, including ODOT, City of Portland, Multnomah County, and WSDOT (Vancouver area).
RailroadRailroads include BNSF, Union Pacific, and Amtrak.
Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC)The RTC is the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Vancouver, WA area
TravelersGeneral public users of personal electronic devices (personal computers, cell phones, PDAs) to access traveler information.
VASTThe Vancouver Area Smart Trek (VAST) Program is a coalition of public transportation agencies in the Vancouver Metropolitan area working together to plan, develop and implement an intelligent transportation system. VAST Steering Committee members include: WSDOT, City of Vancouver, Clark County, City of Camas, C-TRAN, and the Regional Transportation Consortium (RTC).
Washington State Emergency ManagementWashington State Emergency Management is a Division of the Washington Military Department. The division's task is to minimize the impact of emergencies and disasters on the people, property, environment, and economy of Washington State.
Washington State Patrol (WSP)The Washington State Patrol is a professional law enforcement agency made up of dedicated professionals who work hard to improve the quality of life of Washington citizens and prevent the unnecessary loss of life on a daily basis.
WSDOT HeadquartersWSDOT's SWR headquarter locate at Vancouver, Washington.
WSDOT RegionsIncludes the Northwest Region, Olympic Region, South Central Region
WSDOT Southwest Region (SWR)The SWR is located in Vancouver, Washington operating the TMC and providing signal operations and maintenance services to the local agencies.
WSDOT SWR Maintenance and ConstructionWSDOT maintenance and construction for the region