Inventory by Entity

The inventory is made up of the transportation and communications centers, the field equipment, the vehicles, and other systems in the regional transportation system. In the National ITS Architectures, "entities" are the subsystems and terminators that generally represent the systems in ITS. The following table sorts the inventory by National ITS Architecture entity. This sorts elements that perform similar functions together, so elements of a particular type can be easily identified.

Alerting and Advisory SystemsAlerting and Advisory Systems
Archived Data ManagementArchived Data Warehouse
Archived Data User SystemsPORTAL
Asset ManagementAsset Management
Basic Transit VehicleC-TRAN Transit Vehicles
Basic VehicleIncident Reponse Vehicles
Commercial VehicleCommercial Vehicles
Commercial Vehicle AdministrationCommercial Vehicle Administration
Commercial Vehicle CheckCommercial Vehicle Check
Commercial Vehicle DriverCommercial Vehicle Drivers
CVO InspectorWashington State Patrol (WSP) Operations Center
DMVDepartment of Licensing
Emergency ManagementCRESA Emergency Operations Center
Emergency Transportation Coordination Center (ETCC)
Washington State Patrol (WSP) Operations Center
Emergency VehicleRegional Incident Response Teams
Washington State Patrol Vehicles
Enforcement AgencyWashington State Patrol (WSP) Operations Center
Financial InstitutionFare Payment Clearinghouse
Fleet and Freight ManagementFleet and Freight Management
Freight EquipmentFreight Equipment
Information Service ProviderC-TRAN Traveler Information Systems
ODOT Traveler Information (TripCheck)
WSDOT Traveler Information
Intermodal Freight DepotAir and Sea Ports
Location Data SourceVehicle
Maintenance and Construction ManagementARROWS Maintenance Support Tool
City of Vancouver Maintenance and Construction
Clark County Maintenance and Construction
Regional Maintenance and Construction
Maintenance and Construction VehicleRegional Maintenance and Construction Vehicles
Multimodal CrossingsMultimodal Crossings
Other Archives3rd Party Traffic Data
Other CVASFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Other State CV Administration
Other Emergency ManagementFederal Emergency Management Agencies
Local Emergency Response
Washington Emergency Operations Center
Other ISP3rd Party Traffic Data
Archived Data Warehouse
ARROWS Maintenance Support Tool
City of Vancouver Traffic Management Center
Clark County Traffic Management Center
CRESA Emergency Operations Center
C-TRAN Transit Operations Center
ODOT Region 1 TMOC
ODOT Traveler Information (TripCheck)
Other Transit Agency Traveler Information Systems
Other Transit Operations Center
Washington State Patrol (WSP) Operations Center
WSDOT SWR Traffic Management Center
WSDOT Traveler Information
Other MCMLocal Maintenance and Construction
Other RoadwayCity of Camas Roadside Equipment
City of Vancouver Roadside Equipment
Clark County Roadside Equipment
Local Agency Roadside Equipment
Other Local Roadside Equipment
Other Traffic ManagementCity of Vancouver Traffic Management Center
Clark County Traffic Management Center
ODOT Region 1 TMOC
Other Transit ManagementLocal Transit Agencies
Other Transit Agency Traveler Information Systems
Other Transit Operations Center
Payment AdministrationWSDOT Toll Administration
Personal Information AccessPersonal Information Access
Rail OperationsRail Operators
RoadwayODOT Region 1 Roadside Equipment
WSDOT SWR Roadside Equipment
Roadway EnvironmentWSDOT SWR Roadside Equipment
Roadway PaymentWSDOT Toll Collection
Secure Area EnvironmentInfrastructure and Facilities Security Monitoring
Security MonitoringInfrastructure and Facilities Security Monitoring
Traffic ManagementODOT Region 1 TMOC
WSDOT SWR Traffic Management Center
Transit ManagementC-TRAN Dispatcher
C-TRAN Transit Operations Center
C-TRAN Traveler Information Systems
Other Transit Operations Center
Transit Operations PersonnelC-TRAN Dispatcher
Transit VehicleC-TRAN Driver
C-TRAN Transit Vehicles
Other Transit Vehicles
Transit Vehicle OperatorC-TRAN Driver
Wayside EquipmentRailroad Wayside Equipment
Weather ServiceWeather Services