
The regional ITS architecture is an integral part of the planning process, providing a structured way to translate operational objectives and strategies into an interconnected set of ITS projects. This page identifies the planning objectives and strategies that are supported by the regional ITS architecture.

1GoalMaintain, preserve and improve the existing regional transportation system.
1StrategyImprove performance on the entire network
1StrategyImprove Transportation System reliability
1StrategyIncrease efficiency of the exisitng transportation system
1StrategyMaintain and Improve mobility
1StrategyProvide lower cost solutions
1StrategyReduce incidents and severity of collisions
1StrategyReduce the impacts and duration of congestion and delay
2GoalProvide a safe and secure transportation system that allows for the movement of people and freight.
3GoalSupport economic development and community vitality.
4GoalProvide an efficient, balanced, multi-modal regional transportation system including highways, bus transit, high-capacity transit, rail, aviation, marine, bicycle and pedestrian modes as well as transportation demand and system management strategies.
5GoalProvide an acceptable level of mobility for personal travel and freight movement throughout the regional transportation network and adequate access to locations throughout the region.
6GoalProvide a tranportation system that is sensitive to the quality of the environment and natural resources.
7GoalProvide for the development of a financially viable and sustainable transportation system.
8GoalProvide a transportation system that reflects community vision and community values.