Stakeholder | Role and Responsibility |
City of Vancouver | Consultation: Participate as necessary during large scale emergencies. |
Clark County | Consultation: Participate as necessary during large scale emergencies. |
Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA) | Information Sharing: SWR TMC and CRESA have a direct communications line to view CCTV images. |
Consultation: Dispatches local emergency responders within the Clark County region, and are part of the local EOC. |
CTRAN | Consultation: Participate as necessary during large scale emergencies. |
Local Emergency Responders | Consultation: Local emergency responders are part of the local EOC. |
Local Transportation Agencies | Consultation: Local transportatio agencies participate as necessary during large scale emergencies. |
ODOT Region 1 | Control Sharing: WSDOT has the capability to remotely control ODOT Region 1 cameras and VMS/DMS signs however there are some significant policy issues that need to be addressed before this can happen. |
Information Sharing: SWR TMC and ODOT TMOC have a direct communications line to each other's TMC. They also use the same ATMS software that will allow them to activate coordinated bi-state transportation emergency plans. |
Consultation: During a major event, ODOT region 1 and WSDOT will put staff in each other's TMC/TMOC to help coordinate manage the situtation. Staff have remote access to WSDOT/ODOT TMC applications and devices. |
Washington State Emergency Management | Information Sharing: WSDOT ETCC is a centralized repository for emergency information. |
Washington State Patrol (WSP) | Cooperation: Coordinates and cooperates with other local emergency responders and WSDOT to manage the situation. WSP are part of the regional WSDOT EOC. |
WSDOT Regions | Control Sharing: WSDOT is moving towards a standardized TMC suite of applications that will allow other TMC's will be able to control and operate SWR devices if necessary. |
Information Sharing: Other regional WSDOT TMC's and EOC's assist and coordinate with SWR EOC during major events. |
WSDOT Southwest Region (SWR) | SWR TMC manages and operates the EOC in conjunction with WSP and other agencies as required. |