Data Management Roles and Responsibilities

StakeholderRole and Responsibility
City of VancouverInformation Sharing: Provide data to data warehouse
Clark CountyInformation Sharing: Provide data into data warehouse
CTRANInformation Sharing: Provide data to data warehouse
CVISN ProgramInformation Sharing: Provide commercial vehicle administration data to statewide warehouse.
Local Transportation AgenciesInformation Sharing: Provide local traffic data to data warehouse.
ODOT Region 1Information Sharing: ODOT traffic flow information for the Portland Area is sent to WSDOT
Information Sharing: ODOT data is sent to the data warehouse (PORTAL)
Information Sharing: Purchased historical data from a 3rd data provider for the Clark County area and Portland Metropolitian area. Under a sharing agreement, this information is provided to local transportation agencies within the State of Oregon.
Other 3rd party traffic infomration providersInformation Sharing: Provides historical data for the Clark County region to ODOT Region 1
Information Sharing: Provides 3rd party traffic flow and volumn data to WSDOT under a pilot project
Portland State UniversityInformation Sharing: PORTAL receives, stores and utilizes local traffic flow data for the Vancouver metro area. This information is provided through the ODOT system.
Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC)Consultation: Coordinatinon of regional agencies to improve the data warehouse and facilitate information shariing
VASTConsultation: Coordinates with Portland State University to fund improvements and ongoing support for the data warehouse.
Information Sharing: Provides regional transportation information to the data warehouse.
Washington State Patrol (WSP)Information Sharing: CAD incident data is ingested into the WSDOT CARS system and would be automatically archived in the Statewide Data Archive system.
WSDOT HeadquartersWSDOT Headquarters will operate and maintain the physical data warehouse and archive.
WSDOT Southwest Region (SWR)Information Sharing: The WSDOT regions will share traffic data, weather data, video images, and other transportation data.