Maintenance and Construction Management Roles and Responsibilities

StakeholderRole and Responsibility
City of Camas 
Information Sharing: Shares construction/maintenance schedules information to provide better traffic management around workzones.
City of VancouverInformation Sharing: Shares construction/maintenance schedules information to provide better traffic management around workzones.
Clark CountyInformation Sharing: Shares construction/maintenance schedules information to provide better traffic management around workzones.
Local MediaConsultation: WSDOT relays construction and maintenance information to the local media outlets such as television, radio, newspapers, etc.
Local Transit AgenciesConsultation: Local transit agencies receive construction schedules from transportation agencies and WSDOT SWR TMC to re-route transit vehicles around work zones and road closures.
Local Transportation AgenciesConsultation: local agencies and WSDOT SWR TMC share construction/maintenance schedules information to provide better traffic management around workzones.
WSDOT Southwest Region (SWR)Consultation: WSDOT SWR TMC receives construction information from local transportation agencies and WSDOT Maintenance and Construction. That information is then posted on the Website and 511.
WSDOT SWR Maintenance and Construction 
Operations: WSDOT Maintains and Operates roadside equipment for some local agencies
Information Sharing: Shares construction/maintenance schedules information to provide better traffic management around workzones.