Interface: Commercial Vehicles - Fleet and Freight Management

Commercial Vehicles to Fleet and Freight Management Interface Diagram

Architecture Flow Definitions

commercial vehicle breach  (Planned)  

Information about a breach or tamper event on a Commercial Vehicle or its attached freight equipment which includes identity, type of breach, location, and time.

commercial vehicle disable  (Planned)  

This flow safely disables a specific commercial vehicle.

driver alert response  (Planned)  

Commercial Vehicle Driver response to a breach alert for a Freight Equipment breach or tamper event.

expected driver identity characteristics  (Planned)  

Driver identification information e.g. encrypted PIN codes issued to drivers, encrypted driver biometric parameters.

freight equipment information  (Planned)  

Container, trailer, or chassis information regarding identity, type, location, brake wear data, mileage, seal #, seal type, door open/close status, chassis bare/covered status, tethered / untethered status, Bill of Lading, and sensor status.

identities  (Planned)  

Identification information for the Commercial Vehicle (e.g., license plate number or USDOT number), Freight Equipment (e.g., container, chassis, or trailer identification), and Driver.

on-board vehicle data  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Information about the commercial vehicle stored on-board (for maintenance purposes, gate access, cargo status, lock status, etc.).

on-board vehicle request  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Request for on-board vehicle data.