Interface: Regional Maintenance and Construction - Asset Management

Regional Maintenance and Construction to Asset Management Interface Diagram

Architecture Flow Definitions

asset damage assessment  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Information indicating the damage sustained by transportation assets, derived from aerial surveillance, field reports, inspections, tests, and analyses.

asset inventory  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Information on pavement, bridges, signs and other assets. This includes asset location, installation information, materials information, vendor/contractor information, current maintenance status, and a variety of other information (e.g., video logs) that define the transportation infrastructure.

asset restrictions  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Restrictions levied on transportation asset usage based on infrastructure design, surveys, tests, or analyses. This includes standard height, width, and weight restrictions by facility as well as special restrictions such as spring weight restrictions and temporary bridge weight restrictions.

asset status update  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Changes to status of pavement, bridges, signs and other assets resulting from maintenance or construction activities or infrastructure monitoring. The updates may include changes in installation information, materials information, vendor/contractor information, condition, and current maintenance status. In addition to infrastructure asset updates, the information provided may also include status of the maintenance and construction support assets, including vehicle and equipment utilization and repair records.

maintenance and repair needs  (Planned)  Applicable ITS Standards

Recommended strategies and schedules for maintenance of the transportation infrastructure.