CVO02-Freight Administration




This service package tracks the movement of cargo and monitors the cargo condition. Interconnections are provided to intermodal freight shippers and intermodal freight depots for tracking of cargo from source to destination. In addition to the usual cargo monitoring required to insure that cargo gets from origin to destination, the Fleet and Freight Management subsystem monitors shipments to make sure that no tampering or breach of security occurs to the cargo on commercial vehicles. Any such tampering will be reported to the Fleet and Freight Management subsystem. In addition to exceptions (e.g., alerts) that are reported, on-going indications of the state of the various freight equipment are reported to the Fleet and Freight Management subsystem. The commercial vehicle driver is also alerted of any tampering or breach of cargo security. Freight managers may decide to take further action on the alerts and/or provide responses that explain that the alerts are false alarms. If no explanation is received, the Fleet and Freight Management subsystem may notify the Emergency Management subsystem. Commercial vehicle and freight security breaches may also be sent to the Commercial Vehicle Check subsystem.

Includes Elements

Washington State Patrol (WSP) Operations Center
Alerting and Advisory Systems
Commercial Vehicles
Air and Sea Ports
Commercial Vehicle Drivers
Fleet and Freight Management
Freight Equipment