Emergency Dispatch Functional Area


Dispatch emergency vehicles to incidents, tracking their location and status. Pertinent incident information is gathered and relayed to the responding units.

Included In

Washington State Patrol (WSP) Operations Center
Emergency Transportation Coordination Center (ETCC)
CRESA Emergency Operations Center

Functional Requirements

1The center shall dispatch emergency vehicles to respond to verified emergencies under center personnel control.
2The center shall store the current status of all emergency vehicles available for dispatch and those that have been dispatched.
3The center shall relay location and incident details to the responding vehicles.
4The center shall track the location and status of emergency vehicles responding to an emergency based on information from the emergency vehicle.
5The center shall store and maintain the emergency service responses in an action log.
6The center shall provide the capability for digitized map data to act as the background to the information presented to the emergency system operator.
7The center shall receive traffic images to support dispatch of emergency vehicles.
8The center shall provide the capability to request remote control of traffic surveillance devices
9The center shall coordinate response to incidents with other Emergency Management centers to ensure appropriate resources are dispatched and utilized.