TMC Multimodal Crossing Management Functional Area


Remotely monitors and manages multimodal crossings, such as draw bridges and other crossings between highway traffic and other modes; does not include highway-rail intersection.

Included In

WSDOT SWR Traffic Management Center

Functional Requirements

1The center shall receive requests from non-highway traffic to cross at multimodal crossings for specified durations (such as draw bridges and miscellaneous other interference crossings between highway traffic and other modes such as river traffic, aircraft, etc.)
2The center shall remotely control traffic signal controllers for use at major multimodal crossings.
3The center shall remotely control driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs, highway advisory radios (HAR), and equipment that controls warning lights and gates) to notify drivers of closure durations and times at multimodal crossings.
4The center shall collect operational status for the equipment at multimodal crossings.
5The center shall collect fault data for the equipment at multimodal crossings for repair.
6The center shall receive and respond to requests for right-of-way at multimodal crossings.
7The center shall collect and analyze the planned multimodal crossing closures as a possible incident.
8The center shall distribute multimodal crossing information to other centers for dissemination to travelers.