Commercial Vehicle and Freight Security Functional Area


Coordinated response for commercial vehicle and freight security incidents. Remote monitoring of commercial vehicle driver and freight equipment to vehicle assignments as well as detection of breaches or tampering.

Included In

Fleet and Freight Management

Functional Requirements

1The center shall monitor the identity of a commercial vehicle driver and compare it with the planned driver, generating warnings if the tracked identities do not match the planned assignments.
2The center shall monitor the freight equipment identity with the planned vehicle assignment, generating a warning if the tracked identities do not match the planned assignments.
3The center shall receive data from commercial vehicles and freight equipment concerning potential critical security problem(s), including a breach or tamper event with information such as time, date, location, identities, and nature of the problem.
4The center shall coordinate the response to security incidents and the sharing of security threat information involving commercial vehicles and freight equipment with other agencies including emergency management centers, intermodal freight shippers, and alerting/advisory systems.