Manage CV Driver Identification Functional Area


Commercial vehicle fleet support systems to collect and store driver identification records, including PINs and biometrics. Remote authentication of the drivers and supports remote disabling of the vehicle if an unauthorized access is detected.

Included In

Fleet and Freight Management

Functional Requirements

1The center shall send driver assignment data to the fleet of commercial vehicles including unique identification information that is used to authenticate a driver. This may include biometric parameters for a driver or an encoded Personal Identification Number (PIN) used to identify a driver.
2The center shall receive the identities of the commercial vehicle drivers as they attempt to access a commercial vehicle.
3The center shall send an alarm to the appropriate emergency management center when an unauthorized access has been attempted on a commercial vehicle.
4The center shall send a command to the commercial vehicle to disable the vehicle when an unauthorized access has been attempted - this may be initiated within the center or based on inputs from the emergency management center.