ISP Probe Information Collection Functional Area


Collection and aggregation of vehicle probe data, including calculation and dissemination of route travel times and usage. Includes environmental probe data collection, aggregation and dissemination.

Included In

WSDOT Traveler Information
ODOT Traveler Information (TripCheck)
C-TRAN Traveler Information Systems

Functional Requirements

1The center shall collect traffic probe data (speeds, travel times, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.
2The center shall aggregate collected traffic probe data, calculate route segment travel times, route segment speeds, and route usage, and disseminate to other centers.
3The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.
4The center shall aggregate collected environmental probe data and disseminate the aggregated environmental probe data to other centers.
5The center shall receive traffic probe data collected by transit fleet operators and include this data in aggregated probe data provided to other centers.
6The center shall receive traffic probe data derived from electronic toll collection operations and include this data in aggregated probe data provided to other centers.