TMC HOV Lane Management Functional Area


Remotely controls HOV lane sensors, HOV lane usage signals, and ramp meters to manage use of HOV or HOT lanes; also detect HOV violators and notifies enforcement agencies.

Included In

WSDOT SWR Traffic Management Center

Functional Requirements

1The center shall remotely control sensors to detect high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane usage.
2The center shall remotely control driver information systems to notify users of lane status for lanes that become HOV or High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes during certain times of the day on freeways.
3The center shall remotely control freeway control devices, such as ramp signals and mainline metering and other systems associated with freeway operations that control use of HOV lanes.
4The center shall collect traffic flow measures and information regarding vehicle occupancy (i.e., lane usage) in HOV lanes.
5The center shall monitor the use of HOV lanes and detect vehicles that do not have the required number of occupants.
6The center shall collect operational status for the freeway control devices associated with HOV lane control.
7The center shall collect fault data for the freeway control devices associated with HOV lane control for repair.
8The center shall store violation parameters, detect HOV lane violators, obtain the vehicle registration data from the appropriate State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office, and then provide the capability to send violation information to a law enforcement agency.