Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Press Release

April 15, 1998

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Vancouver, Washington -- The next meeting of the Citizens Stakeholders Committee for the Clark County High Occupancy Vehicle Study is Wednesday, April 22 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Clark Public Utilities Electric Center meeting room. The Citizens Stakeholders Committee is made up of 14 members and consists of 11 neighborhood and 3 business representatives.

The purpose of this study is to develop a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) region-wide system plan for Clark County that defines policies and objectives, identifies the need and benefits, and identifies the location of possible HOV corridors and/or facilities.

The April 22nd meeting will consist of a discussion of goals and policies for a regional Clark County HOV system, a description of proposed HOV freeway alternatives for analysis and draft transportation system performance measures that will be used to assess the HOV freeway alternatives. A process to identify HOV facilities for arterial road will also be discussed with the Committee. There will be opportunity at the meeting for public comment.


For more information:

Bob Hart
Regional Transportation Council
1351 Officers Row
Vancouver, WA 98661
Tel: 360-737-6067

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