Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Project Showcase

NE 68th Street Sidewalk

Agency: Clark County
Status: Design
FHWA Aid#: 4206(001)
Project Type: Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities
Description: Design sidewalk on one side of street for entire corridor and construct the highest priority segment as determined in the design phase.
Termini: Highway 99 to Vancouver City Limits
Project Length: 1.05 miles
  Federal Funds Project Cost Schedule Obligation
Preliminary Engineering $150,000 $750,000 January 1, 2019 August 14, 2018
Right of Way $356,000 January 1, 2021
Construction $1,700,000 $3,150,000 March 1, 2021
Total $1,850,000 $4,256,000    

Project Photos

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