Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Press Release

May 27, 1998

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Vancouver, Washington -- Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC) will host a public meeting on Wednesday June 10 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at Fort Vancouver Library, 1007 E. Mill Plain Boulevard, Vancouver. Information on the regional transportation planning process for the Clark County region will be available and the public are invited to meet with representatives of the Federal Highways Administration and Federal Transit Administration.

Two publications issued by the Regional Transportation Council are the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for Clark County (the MTP) and the Transportation Improvement Program. The Plan is a 20-year plan which identifies regional transportation needs in Clark County. Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), C-TRAN and local jurisdictions work together to review transportation needs to accommodate the region's forecast growth. The Plan contains results from the most recent regional travel forecasting model and lists identified twenty-year priority transportation needs for the region. Transportation needs must be identified in the Plan before projects can be programmed for federal funding in the Transportation Improvement Program for Clark County (TIP) which lists projects to be funded in the next three years. The current Transportation Improvement Program covers year 1998 to 2000. The Metropolitan Transportation Plan is available for reference at the Fort Vancouver Library and a summary version is on RTC's web site.


For more information:

Regional Transportation Council
1351 Officers Row, Vancouver WA 98661
Tel: 360-737-6067
FAX: 360-696-1847

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