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Vancouver, Washington -- The Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council announces that through a regionally coordinated and cooperative process, the Clark, Skamania, and Klickitat County RTPO region has been granted almost $17 million in statewide competitive funding. A total of 11 projects were selected for STP Competitive, TIA Urban, Urban Arterial Trust Account, Small City Account, Transportation Enhancement, and Pedestrian Facility Programs.
On March 26, 1999 the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) met and selected projects to receive statewide competitive funding. Listed below are the projects from our region which will receive statewide competitive funding:
STP Competitive
The STP Competitive Program is to improve and/or preserve, an integrated transportation system that encourages multimodal choices to the public.
- NE Highway 99 Realignment, NE 20th Ave. to NE 134th St. Clark County will re-align Highway 99 to connect at the existing intersection of NE 20th Avenue and NE 134th Street. The re-alignment is expected to begin in the vicinity of the existing intersection of NE 20th Avenue and Highway 99 and will follow the approximate alignment of NE 20th Avenue up to NE 134th Street. Project includes travel lanes, center/left-turn lane, bike lanes and sidewalks. STP Competitive Funds $4,043,000, Total Project Cost $10,688,000.
- Padden Parkway, NE 78th Street to NE Andresen Road. The Padden Parkway will provide an alternative East/West link between NE 53rd Avenue and Ward Road. Clark County will construct the Padden Parkway to include four travel lanes, shoulders, median, sound walls and/or berms, landscaping, and a 12-foot separated pedestrian/bike path. STP Competitive Funds $2,300,000, Total Project Cost $6,174,000.
- SR-14, Hood River Bridge to Willow Street. The City of Bingen will widen SR-14 from the Hood River Bridge to Willow Street to a three lane rural principal arterial. This project will add a center left turn lane, shoulder, bicycle lanes, and sidewalk. STP Competitive Funds $1,250,000, Total Project Cost $3,125,000.
TIA Urban
The TIA Urban Program is to improve the mobility of people and goods by supporting economic development and environmentally responsive solution to our transportation needs.
- NE Highway 99 Realignment, NE 20th Ave. to NE 134th St. Clark County will re-align Highway 99 to connect at the existing intersection of NE 20th Avenue and NE 134th Street. The re-alignment will follow the approximate alignment of NE 20th Avenue from Highway 99 up to NE 134th Street. Project includes travel lanes, center/left-turn lane, bike lanes and sidewalks. TIA Urban Funds $4,043,000, Total Project Cost $10,688,000.
Urban Arterial Trust Account (UATA)
The UATA Program is to improve the existing arterial street system to reduce congestion and increase traffic safety.
- NE 28th Street, NE 112th Avenue to NE 142nd Avenue. The City of Vancouver will widen NE 28th Street from 24 feet to 46 feet to consist of two travel lanes, a center turn lane, bike lanes, sidewalks, drainage, street lights, bus turnouts, and landscaping. The intersection of NE 28th Street and 112th Avenue will be redesigned to include dual left turn lanes. UATA Funds $3,666,000, Total Project Cost $6,109,000.
Small City Account
The Small City Account is to preserve and improve the arterial roadway system consistent with local needs for agencies under 5,000 population.
- North Columbus Street, Broadway (SR-142) to Observatory Hill. The City of Goldendale will rebuild North Columbus Street to current standards. Small City Account Funds $450,000, Total Project Cost $830,394.
Transportation Enhancement
The Transportation Enhancement program funds a variety of non-traditional projects, from restoration of historic transportation facilities to bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
- Vancouver AMTRAK Station Rehabilitation. The City of Vancouver will complete the renovation of the interior and exterior of the 90-year-old station. Renovations would include addition of an elevator, camera monitoring, lighting, window and door replacement, heating/air, plumbing, electrical, phone kiosks, walkways, and landscaping. Transportation Enhancement Funds $654,514, Total Project Cost $1,477,873.
- Evergreen Corridor Bike Lanes, E. Reserve St. to Grand Blvd. The City of Vancouver will provide a continuous bike path and improve pedestrian travel from E. Reserve St. to Grand Blvd. Improvements include bike lanes, wheelchair ramps, landscaping, transit improvements, and removal of on-street parking. Transportation Enhancement Funds $284,000, Total Project Cost $515,000.
- Heritage Information Site Rest Room Enhancement. The City of White Salmon will improve the existing Heritage Information Site rest rooms to include flush toilets and running water. Transportation Enhancement Funds $45,000, Total Project Cost $60,000.
- Stevenson West Entry Park. The City of Stevenson will use vacant land remaining from the SR-14 realignment project to construct a West Entry Park. The project includes sidewalks, pedestrian furniture, bicycle storage facilities, kiosk, and landscaping. Transportation Enhancement Funds $45,000, Total Project Cost $67,000.
- Downtown Multimodal Improvement and Beautification Project. The City of Goldendale will upgrade downtown commercial core sidewalks to bring the area into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Further, this project will provide consistent and coordinated landscaping and rest areas along key transportation routes. Transportation Enhancement Funds $104,150, Total Project Cost $150,448.
Pedestrian Facility Program
The Pedestrian Facility Program is to enhance and promote pedestrian mobility and safety.
- 39th Street Sidewalks, I-5 Off Ramp to SR-500 Overpass. The City of Vancouver will construct 600 feet of six-foot wide sidewalk along the south side of NE 39th Street along the I-5 overpass to the signalized intersection at the I-5 Northbound off-ramp, including installation of street lights, crosswalk, and pedestrian signal heads. Pedestrian Facility Funds $61,655, Total Project Cost $77,070.
For more information:
Dean Lookingbill, Transportation Director, or
Dale Robins, Senior Transportation Planner
Regional Transportation Council
1351 Officers Row
Vancouver, WA 98661
Tel: 360-397-6067