Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Press Release

October 25, 1999

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Vancouver, Washington -- The Klickitat County Transportation Policy Committee announces that through a regionally coordinated and cooperative process, Klickitat County and the City of Bingen have been granted just over $5 million in Rural Economic Vitality (REV) funding for transportation improvements. Participants in the Klickitat County Transportation Policy Committee include Washington Department of Transportation, Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council, Klickitat County, Port of Klickitat, Goldendale, White Salmon, and Bingen.

The REV Program will provide federal funds for roadway improvements that foster economic development for rural areas and state community empowerment zones. The goal of the program is to facilitate a rapid response to roadway improvements for emerging economic opportunities in rural counties and specified urban pockets of poverty.

On October 21, 1999 the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) met and selected projects to receive statewide competitive funding. Listed below are the projects from Klickitat County which will receive REV funding:

  1. Alderdale Road, Klickitat County. Klickitat County will reconstruct 3 miles and then apply a structural Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP) Overlay to all 17 miles of Alderdale Road raising it to an all-weather road standard, removing the need for winter weight restrictions. REV Funds $3,091,500, Total Project Cost $3,575,000
  2. SR-14 Improvements, City of Bingen. This project will widen SR-14, from the Hood River Bridge to Willow Street to include a center left turn lane. This improvement will enhance driveway access and site visibility through the corridor. REV Funds $2,000,000, Total Project Cost $3,925,000.


For more information:

Dana Peck, Klickitat County, 509-773-7060
Jim Amundsen, Klickitat County, 509-773-2372
Dale Robins, RTC, 360-397-6067

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