Bi-State Coordination Committee
The Bi-State Transportation Committee was originally established in 1999 to provide a forum for the review of bi-state transportation issues. RTC, the Metro Council and JPACT as regional partners agreed to broaden the committee’s scope, and in 2004 reconstituted it as the Bi-State Coordination Committee. The committee’s new Charter and Bylaws identified land use, economic development and transportation as issues to be addressed. The committee is a standing advisory committee on bi-state issues and makes recommendations to RTC and Metro/JPACT. Membership includes six from Clark County and seven from the Portland metro area. Its principal charge is to sustain a regional dialogue, to share information, and encourage bi-state collaboration.
Next Meeting
The next meeting date has yet to be determined.
Committee Formation and Charter
- Memo Introducing Resolution to form Bi-State Transportation Committee April 27, 1999
- Joint Resolution forming Bi-State Transportation CommitteeJune 3, 1999
- Joint Resolution forming Bi-State Transportation Committee, Exhibit AJune 3, 1999
- Resolution 10-23-03 establishing Bi-State Coordination CommitteeOctober 23, 2003
- Resolution 10-23-03, Exhibit A: CharterOctober 23, 2003
- Resolution 04-02 establishing Bi-State Coordination Committee BylawsApril 22, 2004
- Resolution 04-02, Attachment A: BylawsApril 22, 2004
- Resolution 04-02, Attachment B: CharterApril 22, 2004
Other Documents
- Annual Report, 2017
- Annual Report, 2004
- Bi-State Transportation Committee First Annual Assessment August 29, 2000
- Summary of Bi-State Indicators September 13, 1999
- Bi-State Transportation Committee Resolution 04-00-01 and Staff Report April 27, 1999