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Vancouver, Washington -- The Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council has released the Draft 2007 update to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for Clark County for public review and comment.
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan is the long-range regional transportation plan for the Clark County region. The 2007 update has a 2030 planning horizon and describes how the regional transportation system will be developed to provide mobility and accessibility for personal trips, freight and goods movement. The transportation system supports the land uses and economic development plans for the region described in the Comprehensive Growth Management Plans of local jurisdictions. The 2007 MTP update has focused on review of the MTP to make it consistent with recently updated state and local plans and compliant with the current Federal Transportation Act (SAFETEA-LU). The update also includes a comprehensive update to the list of transportation projects needed in the region.
Copies of the Draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan are available for review at RTC�s office at the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St, 4th Floor, Vancouver, Washington, or a draft of updated MTP elements can be viewed at RTC�s web site. Written comments on the Metropolitan Transportation Plan should be sent to the attention of Lynda David, RTC, PO Box 1366, Vancouver, WA 98666-1366 or e-mailed to
The formal public comment and review period that began with the release of the draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan will continue through November 30, 2007. A summary of any public comments received during this period will be provided at the December 4, 2007, RTC Board of Directors meeting when the Draft 2007 MTP Update will be considered for adoption.
For more information:
Lynda David
Senior Transportation Planner
Regional Transportation Council
P.O. Box 1366
Vancouver, Washington 98666-1366
360-397-6067 x5205