Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Press Release

October 27, 2010

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Vancouver, Washington -- Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council Board of Directors has issued a formal notice of its intent to consider amending the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for Clark County to incorporate the recommendations of adopted transit plans and to clarify plans for SR-14 in the Washougal area.

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan is a part of the required federal and state transportation planning process. The Plan represents the collective strategy for maintaining and developing the regional transportation system. The proposed MTP amendment would:

  1. Incorporate C-TRAN's 20-Year Transit Development Plan, C-TRAN 2030, adopted by the C-TRAN Board in June 2010,
  2. Incorporate recommendations of the Clark County High Capacity Transit System Study adopted by the RTC Board in December 2007, and
  3. Delete reference to proposed roundabouts on SR-14 through Washougal as recommended by the Washougal City Council in August 2010.

The proposed amendment will result in changes to the MTP's Regional Transportation System Map to add new transit routes and facilities and to changes to the text in MTP Chapter 5.

The formal public comment and review period that began with the release of the draft amended MTP will continue through November 29, 2010. A summary of any public comments received during this period will be provided at the Tuesday, December 7, 2010 RTC Board of Directors meeting when the 2010 Metropolitan Transportation Plan amendment is scheduled for final approval.


For more information:

Lynda David, Senior Transportation Planner
Regional Transportation Council

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