Regional Transportation Plan

Clark County, 2019

The Regional Transportation Plan for Clark County is this region’s long-range transportation plan. The RTP is based on the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan for Clark County and is the collective regional strategy for developing a transportation system to provide mobility and accessibility for person trips as well as freight and goods movement.

Regional Transportation Plan for Clark County, 2019 Update (cover)

The current RTP was adopted by the RTC Board of Directors in March 2019. The RTP is part of the required federal metropolitan transportation planning process. The 2019 RTP has 2040 as its horizon year and supports local land uses as well as the region’s economic development. The 2019 RTP focuses on compliance with the federal transportation act and on consistency between state, regional, and local plans. The RTP identifies the region’s existing and future travel demands and recommends policies, transportation strategies, and projects to meet the transportation needs. Transportation projects from state and local plans are included in the RTP.

The current 2019 version of the RTP is available for download in the sidebar, and has been designed for use electronically. Throughout the document you will find hyperlinks to relevant plans and information published by partner transportation agencies and local jurisdictions.